21 May 2013

Talks and progress

Recently I have been posting less hacks, tips and tricks than I wanted to and I fully intend to rectify this. However, first let me provide a brief overview of what I have in stead been squandering my time on.

2013 started off with lots of still-internal Unity work which I hope will be publicly available very soon. Shortly after that I was off to a very busy GDC with a very fancy booth sandwiched between Sony and Nintendo (very fitting given our announcements of partnering with both to support their new platforms).

Beforehand, I had been playing around with the Oculus Rift devkits we had received in the Unity Copenhagen office and at GDC a guy from Road To VR caught me for an interview about this. If you are interested in Unity and Oculus Rift, you can find the interview linked from the video section of this site.

Following GDC I had a week at home to reset my time-zone orientation again, before heading to this years Unite Asia tour (re-branded from last years Unity Asia Bootcamp). So that week obviously went completely into talk prep.

Unfortunately the talk recordings are not yet available, but as soon as they are, I will make sure to link them from the video section, where you can also find recordings and example source from last years Unity Asia Bootcamp.

After the two weeks blast through Asia, I had taken three weeks of vacation to reset an at this point quite messed up time-zone orientation. While I did spend some time relaxing, however I of-course had a hard time not using such a great opportunity to make some headway on Behave 2.

Sneak peek at Behave 2

Remaining tasks are mainly polish items and one fix for iOS AOT compilation – specifically I have moved serialization to use ProtoBuf-net for better performance and flexibility, however this library requires slightly different implementation for AOT compatibility than regular JIT platforms.

I hope to get this wrapped up and shipped very soon, however right now I am sitting on the train to Malmö – headed to the Unite Nordic conference. Tomorrow at the conference (May 22nd) I am scheduled to give two talks – “Unity Hacks” at 10:00 and “Cross-platform Considerations” at 14:30.

“Unity Hacks” is a repeat from Unite Asia, so if you don’t want to wait for the videos on that one, tomorrow is your chance for some great Unity hackery. For the complete conference schedule, see the Unite Nordic website.

Finally, after much consideration I decided to end my time at Unity Technologies. It has been great fun, but now seems the right time to get out and stretch my legs a bit. I do so by starting contracting again and if you’re interested in working together, please use the form I have provided for that purpose.

Or if you are at Unite Nordic or Nordic Game which follows right after, feel free to give me a poke there.

Until next time!

New Gear
Unity, iOS, TeamCity, AppCenter
RAID0 NVMe on Ubuntu
A Change of Gears
Unity Protocol Buffers
Behave 2.7
Behave 2.6
Trusted Gear
Mad Mash Versioning
Behave 2.5
Behave 2.4
The Engine Wars: Numbers
GDC 14: The Quest For Fun
Moving in Unity
Behave 2.3
Unity and .net assemblies
Behave 2.2
Behave 2.1
Behave 2.0
Unity Hacks: Dual sticks
Unity Hacks: Cameras
Unity Hacks: Touch gestures
Unite 13 video "Unity Hacks" available
The implicit local network interface
Talks and progress
Five years of Unity expertise looking for contracts
Automagic Unity Android Java gadget OF DOOM!
Invading Planet from your couch
Mountain Lion and laggy bluetooth and duct-tape
Unite 12 video and new videos section available
Asia Bootcamp videos now available
Path is now MIT licensed
Behave 1.4 released
So I've been a bit busy lately
Behave 1.3 released
IGDA Unity SIG slides
Second Unity IGDA SIG this evening: Scene construction and AI
First IGDA Unity SIG this evening
Alternative licensing available
Pathfinding in two lines
Path 2 released
Assembling and assimilating
Path 2 intro screencast
Path 2 beta release for GGJ
AIgameDev master class video now online
Expanding beta
Behave AIgameDev master class public stream
Behave master class on open AIgameDev stream tomorrow
Interview with AIGameDev
New video: From tree to code
Issue tracking on github Behave release project
IT University Copenhagen Unity course completed
IT University Copenhagen Unity course files Thursday
CPH IT University Unity course files
Behave 1.2 released
Video: Behave - starting from scratch
Behave runtime documentation updated
Behave 1.1 released
FAFF cleanup: Sketch
Building a menu of delegates and enums
Pick me! Pick me!
Optimising coroutine yielding in C#
Downloading the hydra
New license of Path: GPL
GUI drag-drop
Logging an entire GameObject
I bet you can't type an A!
Where did that component go?
New and improved: Behave 1.0 released
Behave 0.3b and unity 2.5
Behave 0.3b hotfix
Path tutorial video available
Path 1.0 launched!
Continued community tutorials
Community tutorial
New tutorial
First tutorial available
Behave 0.3b
unite '08 open-mic session
Behave 0.2b
Behave 0.1b
Behave pre-release
Path beta 0.3b
Path beta 0.2b
Path beta 0.1b
Path pre-release